Mini Cornish Fish Box

Our Cornish Mini Fish Box is designed to serve 1 to 2 people and contains prepared fillets of fish, whole fish and/or Cornish seafood like mussels, scallops, crab and more. Occasionally we also include smoked fish sourced by our fishmongers within the UK.

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Subscription details

Description / Mini Cornish Fish Box

Contents for week starting 17.9.24

Butterflied Mackerel 

Coley Fillet 180-200g 

Normally contains a minimum of 2 decent fillets, but can be more depending on fish prices. The quanitity of fish simply depends on the time of the year, price of the fish at the market and seasonal availability. It could also contain fillets or whole flat fish or oily fish like mackerel or sardines. The quanitity of fish simply depends on the time of the year, price of the fish at the market and seasonal availability. We prefer to take fish caught by day boats using static nets or hand-lining, although at times fish will come from local trawlers.

At times of bad weather, poor fishing conditions or extremely high prices then the approx contents can change for obvious reasons. All our fresh fish is freshly prepared for your order and be frozen unless otherwise stated.

Warning: May Contain Bones.

Contents will vary throughout the year. 

Keep chilled below 5°C.

Once opened eat immediately.

Fish can be frozen upon delivery and should be used within 3 months. Defrost in the fridge thoroughly before cooking.