Recipes From The Sea: Grilled Cuttlefish with Garlic, Herbs & Lemon

  • 9 Aug 2024
Grilled cuttlefish


Grilled Cuttlefish with Lemon, Garlic & Herbs

Simple cuttlefish recipe which cooks in minutes and make the most of this deafood delicacy.


Serves 2


To make this recipe you will need:

300g Cornish cuttlefish
Olive oil
Seasonal herbs e.g orgeano & thyme
2 garlic cloves, crushed
Pinch Cornish sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Juice of 1 lemon


And here’s how to make it…

Put the cuttlefish, herbs, garlic, and lemon juice in to a bowl and mix together. Leave to marinate for at 30 minutes.
Make sure your barbecue or grill is a med high heat. Put the cuttlefish on the grill and gril for 2-3 minutes turning frequently so they are slightly chargrilled but not over cooked.
Remove from the grill, season with a little salt, drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice.


Posted in Recipes and Fish & Seafood Recipes