
You can't beet beetroot!

fresh beetroot

Why beetroot should definitely be on your plate.

Beetroot, once a staple of 1970s British salads, often cooked and pickled in vinegar, is a root vegetable characterized by its dark purple skin and vibrant pink or purple flesh. In recent years, beetroot has experienced a well-deserved resurgence in popularity, owing to its earthy, rich, and sweet flavor profile, as well as its striking color, which lends itself beautifully to both sweet and savory culinary creations. Not all beetroot are round and purple. They also come in yellow (it doesn't stain so great if that puts you off!), pink and white striped which looks wonderful in a carpaccio, and in cylindrical forms.

Beetroot shares botanical kinship with spinach and chard and has a whole host of health benefits. 

Top 10 Health Benefits of Beetroot:

  1. Rich in Protective Antioxidants: Beetroot ranks among the top 10 most potent antioxidant vegetables, aiding the body in combating oxidative stress. Anthocyanins, the plant compounds responsible for its purple-crimson hue, exhibit strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Anti-Cancer Properties: Betacyanin, the powerful pigment in beetroot, is believed to help suppress certain cancers, including bladder cancer. Additionally, beetroot contains other potential cancer-fighting compounds such as ferric acid, rutin, and kaempferol.
  3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Betalains found in beetroot may reduce inflammation symptoms and markers, offering potential relief for conditions like joint inflammation.
    May Lower Blood Pressure: Beetroot's natural richness in nitrates relaxes blood vessels, improving blood flow and potentially lowering blood pressure. Studies also suggest nitrate-rich foods like beetroot may aid in heart attack recovery.
  4. Improve Exercise Performance and Energy Levels: Beetroot juice has gained popularity among athletes for its potential to enhance exercise endurance and performance. Nitrates in beetroot also aid muscle recovery post-exercise.
  5. Improve Digestive Health: High fiber content in beetroot supports bowel function and fosters a healthy gut environment. Betalains further enhance gut health by promoting the production of beneficial short-chain fatty acids.
  6. Protect the Gut: Beetroot is rich in glutamine, essential for maintaining gut lining integrity, potentially shielding it from damage and stress.
    May Support Brain Health and Reaction Time: Improved blood flow facilitated by beetroot benefits brain function, potentially enhancing decision-making and memory. Higher nitrate intake may also improve motor functions and reaction time.
  7. Useful for Post-Menopause Diet: Nitrate-rich vegetables like beetroot can help manage increased blood pressure and heart disease risk post-menopause. Beetroot juice before exercise may also improve mobility and cardio-metabolic outcomes in this demographic.
  8. May Relieve Symptoms of Raynaud's Phenomenon: Initial studies suggest beetroot juice may enhance blood flow to fingers and feet, potentially reducing pain and inflammation associated with Raynaud's phenomenon. Further research is needed to confirm these findings.

How to cook, prepare, and store your beets

To cook beetroot whole, begin by washing it without peeling. Trim the stalks to 2.5cm and leave the root intact; excessive trimming may cause the beetroot to bleed color. It can be baked in a low oven for 2-3 hours, either wrapped in foil or placed in a lidded casserole dish with a little water. Alternatively, it can be simmered for about an hour after the same initial preparation.

Beetroot can also be enjoyed raw, peeled, and grated into salads and slaws or thinly shaved for a 'carpaccio' effect. The leaves can be washed and trimmed for use in salads or as a garnish.


Cooking Suggestions for Beetroot:

Roast beetroot and toss with walnut oil and chives, or bake it with olive oil and cumin seeds before adding feta and baking again. Boiling beetroot for a few minutes, draining, and serving with a drizzle of olive oil or butter is another option. Raw beetroot can also be juiced and mixed with carrot juice for a refreshing and vitamin-rich beverage.

Storage Recommendations for Beetroot:

Fresh beetroot can be stored for several weeks in a cool, dark place. Vacuum-packed cooked beetroot is also available, ideal for pickling, roasting, or adding to salads, and can be refrigerated for several months.


Beetroot Recipes

Top reasons you should be eating British beef

british beef joint

Concerned about the impacts of eating beef on your health & the environment? Read on for all the facts.

Eating beef has got a bad press in recent years due to concerns over environmental impacts, welfare standards, and health concerns. However not all beef production around the world is the same. In the UK cattle being raised for beef are grazed which means we have extensive pasture areas that provide habitats for wildlife, and when actively managed are very effective in taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it. This method of raising cattle means the meat produced is a rich source of essential nutrients that can be hard to get from other sources. In addition the UK has some of the highest standards in welfare ranking in the top 3 in the Animal Protection Index. 

The UK's beef industry has an international reputation for quality and is renown for its rich heritage.  Here in Cornwall we have fantastic prime beef production with much of it supplied to top restaurants both within Cornwall and across the UK. The long grass growing season combined with the traditional breeds used for beef farming results in a superb quality meat.  Our beef at the Cornish Food Box Company is selected and prepared by the highly regarded James Kittow's Butchers of Kilhallon for all our orders.

What impact does beef farming have on greenhouse gas emissions?

Agriculture as a whole makes up 10% of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK with cattle & sheep farming accounting for about 5.7% of the total; far behind the impacts of transport, energy supply and business use. Sequestration in pastures also takes carbon out of the atmosphere meaning all livestock grazing only contributes 4.9% of UK emissions. The UK method of raising cattle on extensive grasslands means greenhouse gas emissions from beef produced in the UK is about half the global average.

Is beef farming bad for the environment?

Central to the superiority of British beef is the emphasis on grass-fed diets for cattle. The landscapes of the UK offer a bounty of nutrient-rich grasses, which form the primary source of sustenance for grazing livestock. This natural diet not only enhances the flavour profile of the meat but also contributes to its superior texture and marbling. Around 70% of a typical British beef cattles' diet is made up of grass with grains only contributing around 5%. 

In some areas livestock grazing is critical to the lifecycle of wildlife. For instance both the Large Blue Butterfly and the Chough depend on livestock grazing to maintain the open habitats they depend on.  Regenerative farming with the introduction of herbal lays, mob grazing, and use of livestock in arable crop rotations all contribute to soil health and fertility with the very best livestock farms actually storing more carbon than they produce.

In terms of water usage only 0.4% of the water used to rear beef cattle is from the tap. 84.4% of the water used is rainfall on to grasslands to grow grass - so essentially unavailable for other uses.  Many farmers are taking measures to mitigate the impacts of cattle manure, and use of technologies such as anerobic digestion contributes to producing renewable energy to power homes.

james kittow beefjames kittow beef

Is eating beef bad for your health?

Red meat is a significant source of protein as well as being one of the richest sources of essential nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, potassium, selenium, zinc and iron.  The nutrients in red meat are far more bioavailable than many other food sources, and eating red meat can help your body absorb these important minerals.  Red meat is naturaly low in salt and of course as a natural product does not contain the ultra processed ingredients contained in many meat substitute products. 

Isn't beef full of hormones & antibiotics?

In an age where consumers prioritise sustainability and ethical sourcing, British beef sets the standard for traceability and transparency. Rigorous traceability systems track each animal from farm to fork, ensuring full accountability at every stage of the supply chain. This level of transparency underscores the commitment of British farmers to responsible practices.

The UK is the fifth lowest user of antibiotics on the farm across 31 European countries and antibiotic use has reduced by 52% since 2014.  Only the Nordic countries do better and that is primarily due to their dry, cold climate which means the antibiotic need is lower.  Antibiotic use is strictly controlled and only used where necessary for animal welfare. There are strict withdrawal periods for all medicines which means the meat can only enter the food chain when safe to do so.

Using growth promoters including hormones and low dose antibiotics is banned in the UK. In many countries around the world the use of hormones and low dose antibiotics is commonplace to increase animal growth rates. Making sure that your beef is truly British is the best way to ensure your beef is hormone and antibiotic free.

What about animal welfare?

British beef boasts a legacy rooted in centuries of tradition and meticulous breeding practices. Central to the ethos of British beef production is the welfare of the animals themselves. Stringent regulations govern every aspect of cattle rearing, from housing conditions to transportation methods. British farmers prioritise the well-being of their livestock, providing spacious living environments, access to clean water, and veterinary care when needed. This emphasis on animal welfare not only aligns with ethical principles but also contributes to the superior quality of the meat.

We have lots of recipes, cooking tips and more for you to make the best of your beef.

From how to cook the best steak, roasting joint cooking times, beef pairings and more see our Beef Recipe Page.

Low & Slow Shredded Beef Brisket


Low & Slow Shredded Cornish Beef Brisket

This tender beef brisket is slow cooked with a combination of chipotle paste, stock, chopped tomatoes, honey and whiskey.  Shred and serve in soft rolls with caramelised sweet onions. A great recipe for barbecue or alfresco gatherings.

From Simply Beef & Lamb Website.

To make this recipe you will need:

And here’s how to do it…

  1. Preheat the oven to 150°C,130°C, Fan, Gas Mark 2.
  2. Heat half the oil in a large non-stick frying pan.
  3. Place the joint on a chopping board and season all over with salt and pepper.
  4. Brown the joint on all sides and transfer to a large flame/ovenproof dish with a lid.
  5. Add the chipotle paste, stock, tomatoes, honey and Bourbon (if used).
  6. Cover, transfer to the oven and cook for 3-3½ hours until the beef is tender.
  7. Meanwhile, prepare the sweet onions; put the onions in a small pan with the water and sweat the onions under a moderate heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  8. Add the vinegar and sugar.  
  9. Continue to cook the onions for a further 10-15 minutes until the soft and syrupy.
  10. Transfer the beef to a clean chopping board, reserving the sauce and 'pull’ apart by securing with a fork and shredding the meat with a second fork.
  11. Pile the shredded brisket in rolls of your choice, spoon over the sauce and serve with the onions.


The brisket can be reheated in a pan on the hob or on the barbecue.

Alternatively, season brisket, cover and cook on the BBQ (indirect) for 3-4 hours.

Transfer to a cast iron pot, add the wet ingredients, cover and cook over indirect heat for a further 3-4 hours for a optimum internal temperature of 95°C - perfect for pulling/shredding

Cornish Ling with Wild Garlic Pesto


Sustainable Cornish Ling Fillets with Wild Garlic Pesto

A simple supper with fresh delicious ingredients best enjoyed in the spring. With this recipe you can make the pesto yourself or we have our amazing Wild Garlic Pesto which can be used to make this a quick, easy and truly delicious meal for all the family. 

Although Ling is relatively unknown and not widely used in everyday cooking, it has an excellent firm and textured meat with a pleasantly strong taste.

Ling is firm, tender and moist, with great texture and large flakes.


To make this recipe you will need:

If you want to make your own pesto:

And here’s how to do it…

If you are making your own pesto:

  1. Scatter the almonds into a small food processor or you can use pestle and mortar.
  2. Add the grated parmesan along with the mint leaves and the wild garlic.
  3. Grate in the lemon zest and squeeze in the juice.
  4. Add 3 tbsp rapeseed oil and a good pinch of salt and pepper.
  5. Whizz till everything is finely chopped and combined into a pesto.
  6. Put in a bowl and keep aside.
  7. If you are using the amazing Cornish Wild Garlic Pesto then move onto the step below.
  8. Pour 1 tbsp oil into a frying pan and warm to a high heat.
  9. Sprinkle the ling fillets with a pinch of salt and pepper.
  10. When the pan is hot, add the ling fillets, skin side down.
  11. Fry on the skin side for 5 mins, then use a slice to carefully turn the fillets over.
  12. Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cook for 2-3 mins in the risidual heat of the pan.
  13. Serve the ling fillets topped with spoonfuls of the wild garlic pesto, with your choice of potatoes and seasonal greens on the side.


Roasted Mackerel & Rhubarb Salad

mackerel and rhubarb recipe


Roasted Mackerel & Rhubarb Salad

A fresh vibrant dish that makes the most of the spring abundance. 

Rhubarb and mackerel go incredibly well together with the sharp sourness of the rhubarb making the perfect contrast to the oily rich taste of the mackerel fillets. 

This dish is perfect for a simple yet beautiful supper .



cornish rhubarbcornish rhubarb

To make this recipe you will need:

From your Cornish Food Box & store cupboard

  • 500g salad potatoes, halved or quartered
  • 4 Mackerel Fillets
  • 250g rhubarb, cut into 2cm pieces1 tbsp sunflower oil, plus 2 tsp for the fish
  • Half a small red onion peeled, finely chopped
  • Small bunch coriander leaves, chopped
  • Watercress to serve 
  • 1 tbsp clear honey
  • 8cm piece cucumber
  • Half teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • Zest of 1 small orange
  • 1 red chilli, de-seeded and finely chopped
  • Creamed horseradish to serve


And here’s how to make it…


1. Pre-heat the oven to 190°C. Boil the potatoes in salted water for 5 minutes.

2. Drain the potatoes, put in a roasting tin and toss in 1 tablespoon of the oil. Cook in the top of the oven for 40 minutes until cooked through and golden.

3. Put the mackerel in a roasting tin in a single layer and brush with oil. Cover with foil and bake for 25 minutes. Drain off any juices.

4. Mix the rhubarb with the orange, black pepper, chilli, honey and a drizzle of oil. Roast in the oven for 8-10mins until just tender. Reserve the juices to drizzle over.

5. Halve the cucumber lengthways, scoop out the seeds, and cut into small cubes. Add to the chopped onion and coriander.

6. Serve the mackerel, with the potatoes and rhubarb alongside the watercress and cucumber salad.

Serve with some creamed horseradish.

Wet weather impacting vegetable prices & quality

flooded vegetable field

Had enough of it raining? So have our farmers & vegetable crops!

This winter has been one of the wettest in decades in the UK. It follows a blistering hot summer and warm autumn which caused their own problems for farmers.  In many areas of the country farms are flooded and even in areas which aren't actually under water, the ground is sodden and has been impossible to prepare, plant, fertilise or harvest crops as usual.

What has the impact of this been on our farmers and vegetable crops?

It has been reported that around 25% less crops have been planted than usual in the UK this winter season. This has been due to a multitude of factors but primarily the wet weather meaning fields have been flooded or too wet to work. The wet autumn meant a lot of crops in ground were ruined - carrots, parsnips and other winter root crops have rotted in ground as they were unable to be lifted from waterlogged soils.  For those crops that have been harvested both the yield and quality have been much lower than usual. Crops have often been left too long in wet soils as farmers were unable to get harvesting equipment on to their fields.  In addition the poor growing conditions and low light levels through out the autumn and winter has meant crops simply haven't grown as well as usual.

This has led to poor harvests across the UK and shortages for some vegetables the UK specialises in such as cauliflowers and potatoes. One of the main wholesalers in Cornwall had several weeks where they were unable to get hold of any cauliflower in the UK and were having to import them from Europe at £2 per head! Reports are that imported cauliflower have been regularly at 3 times the usual price this winter. 

Potatoes are one of the UK's main vegetable crops and is one of the worst affected crops. This season has resulted in the lowest potato crop ever recorded in the UK.  Here in Cornwall potato growing is a mainstay for many vegetable farmers. The wet weather means potatoes have been left to rot in the ground, and those that have been lifted are of lower quality and haven't stored as well as usual.

Shortages of seed and rising seed prices have also impacted the planting this spring. Many growers are saying they simply can't get hold of the seeds they need. Our smaller organic growers are particularly struggling to get hold of the seeds they need which has meant high costs and less crops in the ground for the coming year.


To read more on how the weather is impact farming and vegetable growers in the UK: - Extreme weather taking it's toll on vegetables




Wild Garlic Pesto, Chicken & Orzo Bake

Wild Garlic Pesto


Wild Garlic Pesto, Chicken & Orzo Bake

A gorgeous one pot hero dish that everyone will love made with Cornish Wild Garlic Pesto and free range Cornish Chicken.

The recipe below serves 4-6 depending on how many chicken thighs each person can eat.

Takes 45 minutes to prepare


To make this recipe you will need:

And here’s how to do it…

  • Set the oven to 200⁰
  • Melt the butter in a large skillet.
  • Brown the chicken thighs skin side down in it, for around 5 minutes.
  • Once golden, set them aside on a plate.
  • In the same pan, now add the leek and soften for 5 minutes.
  • Add the orzo and toast slightly in the leeks and butter.
  • Add all of the stock and one tablespoon of the Wild Garlic Pesto.
  • Bring to a simmer. It may seem very liquidy, but the orzo will absorb all of that soon.
  • Add parmesan rind if you have one, and salt and pepper.
  • Put the chicken on the top of the orzo and stock, skin side up in a circle.
  • Put the whole dish into the oven for 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, top each chicken thigh with a small spoonful of the pesto, about 1tsp. And a slice of thin cheddar.
  • Sprinkle the breadcrumbs across the top of each piece of cheese and put it all back in the oven.
  • A further 15 minutes, and you should have golden breadcrumbs, perfectly cooked chicken, and melty cheese with gorgeous silky orzo beneath. 

Serve with a squeeze of fresh lemon and enjoy!

Fish Preparation - Whiting

How to prepare and cook whiting

Selecting Fresh Whiting: When purchasing whiting, look for fish that has bright, clear eyes, firm flesh, and a fresh, ocean-like scent. At The Cornish Food Box Company, we offer high-quality, sustainably sourced whiting that is perfect for all your culinary adventures.

Cleaning the Fish: Rinse the whiting under cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Remove any scales, if present, by scraping them off with a knife or fish scaler. Trim off any fins and use kitchen shears to snip off the dorsal fin, if desired.

Removing the Innards: Make a small incision along the belly of the whiting and carefully remove the innards, being sure to discard them properly. Rinse the cavity thoroughly under cold water to remove any remaining traces of blood or debris.

Optional: Filleting the Fish: If you prefer boneless fillets, you can fillet the whiting by making a cut behind the head and along the backbone, then carefully removing the fillets with a sharp knife. Alternatively, you can leave the whiting whole for a more traditional presentation.

whiting filletswhiting fillets

Cooking Techniques

Simple Pan-Frying: One of the easiest and most delicious ways to cook whiting is by pan-frying it. Season the whiting fillets with salt, pepper, and your favourite herbs or spices. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat and add a splash of oil or butter. Once hot, add the whiting fillets to the skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown and cooked through.

Baking in the Oven: Preheat your oven to 200°C (400°F). Place the seasoned whiting fillets on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Drizzle with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice, then bake for 12-15 minutes until the fish is opaque and flakes easily with a fork.

Grilling: Fire up the grill to medium-high heat. Season the whiting fillets as desired and place them directly on the grill grates. Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side, or until grill marks form and the fish is cooked through.

Steaming: For a healthier cooking method, try steaming the whiting fillets. Season the fish and place it in a steamer basket over simmering water. Cover and steam for 6-8 minutes, or until the fish is opaque and flakes easily.

Serving Suggestions
Serve pan-fried whiting fillets with a squeeze of lemon juice and a side of roasted vegetables for a simple and nutritious meal.
Pair baked whiting fillets with a fresh salad or steamed greens for a light and satisfying lunch or dinner.
Enjoy grilled whiting fillets with a tangy salsa or homemade tartar sauce for a burst of flavour.
With these simple tips and techniques, you can easily prepare and cook whiting to perfection. Whether you prefer it pan-fried, baked, grilled, or steamed, whiting is a delicious and healthy addition to any meal.

Guide to Net Zero Food & Sustainable Food Shopping

strawberry jam and plants

Net Zero Food: How to make your food shopping sustainable.

In an era marked by environmental concerns and calls for action against climate change, it's becoming increasingly clear that our food choices play a significant role in shaping the future of our planet. Net Zero Food is a concept aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of our food consumption and making our food shopping more sustainable. Food production accounts for around 34% of global greenhouse emissions and has major impacts on land use, water resources, and our health.  From deforestation and land degradation to intensive agriculture and food waste, the environmental impacts of our food choices are vast and far-reaching. As a consumer it can sometimes be difficult to know what the right thing to do is. Should we all be eating entirely plant based diets? How do you know if that tuna really is dolphin friendly? Does going green in the UK mean living on cabbages and swede year round?

Understanding Net Zero Food

At its core, net zero food refers to the idea of balancing the emissions produced by food production and consumption with measures to offset or mitigate those emissions. This involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the food supply chain, from farm to fork, and implementing practices that promote environmental sustainability and resilience. This can take various forms from regenerative farming techniques where beef cattle are fed entirely on herbal lays and carbon is laid down in the soils to ensuring that the food retail system operates in a way that doesn't create food waste.

Why Net Zero Food Matters

The food system is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for around 34% of global emissions. By adopting net zero food principles, we can help reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the effects of climate change on our planet.

Embracing Net Zero Food for a Sustainable Future

As individuals, we have the power to make a real difference through our food choices. By embracing the principles of net zero food and making sustainable shopping habits part of our daily lives, we can contribute to a more resilient and regenerative food system for future generations.

Net zero food offers a pathway towards a more sustainable and resilient food future. By making conscious choices about what we eat and how we shop, we can reduce our carbon footprint, support local communities, and protect the planet for generations to come. Let's commit to making our food shopping more sustainable and embrace the power of net zero food for a brighter, greener future.

4 Ways To Make Your Food Shop More Sustainable


  1. 1: Buy Local and Seasonal: Opting for locally grown and seasonal produce can significantly reduce the emissions associated with food transportation and storage. Food grown without the need for additional inputs such as irrigation, light and heat have a much lower impact. The best way to know where your food is coming from is to buy from a local company you can trust, and choose to eat seasonal produce where possible.

  3. 2: Minimise Food Waste: Food waste is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Plan meals carefully, store food properly, and use leftovers creatively to minimise waste. Composting organic waste can also help reduce methane emissions from landfills. Many local coucnils now collect food waste from households or there are great composters on the market.

  5. 3: Support Sustainable Agriculture: Know where you food is coming from and how it was produced. Traceability and transparency on food production can be really difficult when you are buying from large companies dealing with complex supply chains. By buying locally from businesses you can trustis the best way of knowing how your food has been produced. Certification schemes such as rainforest alliance, fairtrade or labeling such as organic can also help you understand how sustainable your food choices are.

  7. 4: Reduce Packaging Waste: Choose products with minimal packaging or opt for eco-friendly packaging options such as recyclable or compostable materials. When buying food gifts choose suppliers that minimise packaging, use plastic free alternatives, and support sustainable producers.


You can get the taste of Cornwall for yourself by getting a fresh food delivery to your door. By getting your fresh food delivered from Cornish Food Box Company, you're getting it straight from the source, guaranteeing freshness and quality as well as supporting local fishermen, farmers, and a whole community of food producers and contributing to the livelihoods of our rural communities.

With our online ordering and nationwide delivery options, getting your food delivered is convenient and hassle-free, allowing you to enjoy the best of food produced in Cornwall whilst supporting a more sustainable food system that's good for farmers, animal welfare, your health and the environment.

From the Cornish Sea to Your Plate

selection Cornish seafood

A Guide to Cornish Fish and Seafood

Cornwall, with its rugged coastline and abundant clear waters stretching out into the Atlantic Ocean, boasts a rich bounty of fish and seafood that has been a cornerstone of its culinary heritage for centuries. The Cornish fishing industry is a vital part of the region's cultural heritage and economic vitality. There is a proud tradition of small-scale, family-run fishing operations that have sustained coastal communities for generations. Fishing has long been a way of life in Cornwall, with fishermen venturing out to sea in search of a bountiful harvest of fish and seafood to support their families and livelihoods.

Throughout Cornwall, picturesque harbours and fishing villages dot the coastline, serving as the beating heart of the local fishing industry. Harbours such as Padstow, Porthleven, Looe and St. Ives still support local fishing boats who regularly land their catches. Newlyn, which has been a working harbour since the 15th century is one of the UK’s largest fishing ports and is known for its bustling fish market, where fishermen unload their catch early each morning to be sold to local and national buyers.

Cornish fishermen employ a variety of fishing methods to harvest the rich bounty of fish and seafood found in local waters. Some of the most common methods include:

Trawling: Trawling involves dragging a net through the water to catch fish. In Cornwall, both bottom trawling and midwater trawling are used, depending on the target species and fishing grounds.

Potting: Potting, or using lobster pots and crab pots, is a traditional method of catching shellfish like crab and lobster. The pots are baited and left on the seabed for a period of time before being hauled up to retrieve the catch. This is a highly sustainable way of fishing with only the target species caught and undersized individuals let go unharmed.

Netting: Netting, including gillnetting and seine netting, is another common fishing method used in Cornwall. Nets are used to surround fish or form a barrier to catch them as they swim.

For more information on the types of fishing methods used in Cornwall visit Cornwall Good Seafood Guide.


So why is Cornish Fish & Seafood so highly regarded?

There are several reasons why fish and seafood from Cornwall are considered some of the best in the world. Our rugged coastline stretches out in to the Atlantic and Grade A clear waters means we have access to some of the best fishing grounds in the UK. 

The diverse range of habitats that surround the coastline of Cornwall provide homes for a wide range of fish and seafood from Atlantic Bluefin Tuna to Turbot. The small harbours scattered along the coastline supports our small inshore fleet as well as the larger boats operating out of larger harbours such as Newlyn. 

The small day boats land fish within a few hours of being caught and often use far more sustainable methods than the larger trawlers.  This results in the freshest quality fish available, caught in the most sustainable ways to protect fish stocks for the future.

Cornish fishermen take pride in their craft and adhere to strict fishing regulations to protect fish stocks and maintain sustainable practices. This commitment to quality ensures that Cornish fish and seafood are of the highest standard.

At The Cornish Food Box Company we carefully consider which species to stock and how the fish has been caught. By working closely with our fishmongers we have a great range of carefully sourced and prepared fish & seafood which is amongst the most sustainable & freshest you can buy.

Main Fish & Seafood Species Landed in Cornwall

Mackerel: Known for its rich, oily flesh and distinctive flavour, mackerel is a prized catch in Cornish waters. It's commonly grilled, smoked, or pan-fried and is a favourite among seafood lovers for its versatility and delicious taste.

Haddock: With its firm, white flesh and mild flavour, haddock is another popular species caught off the coast of Cornwall. It's often used in traditional British dishes like fish and chips or baked haddock with a breadcrumb topping.

Cod: Cod is one of the most iconic species of fish found in Cornish waters. It has a flaky texture and a mild, slightly sweet flavour, making it a versatile ingredient in a wide range of dishes, from fish pies to fish tacos.

Brown Crab: Cornwall is famous for its succulent, sweet crab meat, harvested from the abundant crab populations found along its coastline. Whether served cold in a salad or hot in a crab linguine, Cornish crab is a true delicacy.

Lobster: Cornish lobster is prized for its firm, succulent meat and rich, sweet flavour. It's often boiled or grilled and served with melted butter or garlic mayonnaise for a truly indulgent seafood experience.

Whiting: Whiting is a species of white fish commonly found in the waters off the coast of Cornwall. It has delicate, flaky flesh and a mild, slightly sweet flavour, making it a versatile option for cooking. Whiting is often used in traditional recipes such as fish pies, fish cakes, and battered fish fillets.

Hake: Hake is a popular fish species found in the North Atlantic Ocean, including the waters around Cornwall. It has firm, white flesh and a mild, sweet flavour, similar to cod or haddock. Hake is prized for its versatility in cooking and is commonly used in dishes such as fish stews, grilled fillets, and baked casseroles.

Squid: Squid, also known as calamari, is a cephalopod mollusk commonly found in the waters off the coast of Cornwall. It has tender, chewy flesh and a mild, slightly sweet flavour. Squid is often prepared by grilling, frying, or sautéing and is a popular ingredient in Mediterranean and Asian cuisines.

Gurnard: Gurnard is a family of fish species commonly found in the waters around Cornwall, including the red gurnard and grey gurnard. It has firm, white flesh and a sweet, nutty flavour. Gurnard is often used in seafood soups, stews, and curries, and its distinctive appearance makes it a favourite among seafood enthusiasts.

Monkfish: Monkfish, also known as anglerfish or lotte, is a unique-looking fish species found in the North Atlantic Ocean, including the waters off the coast of Cornwall. It has firm, dense flesh and a sweet, mild flavour reminiscent of lobster. Monkfish is often compared to lobster or scallops in taste and is prized for its versatility in cooking, from pan-searing to roasting to grilling.

Why not experience the taste of Cornwall for yourself by getting fish and seafood delivered straight to your doorstep? By getting fish and seafood delivered from Cornwall, you're getting it straight from the source, guaranteeing freshness and quality as well as supporting local fishmongers and fishermen and contributing to the livelihoods of coastal communities and helping to sustain traditional fishing practices.

With our online ordering and nationwide delivery options, getting fish and seafood delivered from Cornwall is convenient and hassle-free, allowing you to enjoy the best of Cornish catch without leaving your home. If you would like to order some Cornish & Seafood for delivery to your door click here.

Copyright © The Cornish Food Box Company Ltd | VAT No. 284086384 Company No. 10851177